Download Elwiki 4th job kaiser near

This page contains the skills of all the 4th job classes. These information is derived from Korea MapleStory, which was the first version to implement the fourth job. The fourth job advance is also available in the Elwiki 4th job kaiser near, China, and Taiwan versions, and was added to MapleGlobal in January of The 4th Job Advancement will be released in EMS February Old name s : Maple Hero. Old name s : Awake. Description: You may escape from certain situations status? Probability of escape depends on skill level. Cooldown Time: 10 minutes. Max Level Type: Active. Description: Pull a monster elwiki 4th job kaiser near a distance. Comment: It's a skill where you need to cast upon a monster, and it will be pulled over horizontally along the path. Monster Magnet's accuracy is the same as your ability to hit the enemy. Old name s elwiki 4th job kaiser near Power Stance. Description: You will be not pushed back by monsters with this skill activated. Comment: This skill would save some moving time while training. Whether or not it plays a significant purpose we'll have to wait and see. Old name s : Charge. Description: A dash attack that pushes up to 15 targets. Comment: A very fast dash attack that in addition to doing decent damage, Rush also stack the mobs up front. This skill gets rid of the movement disadvantage of warriors. Note that, you cannot use Rush unless there are actual enemies in front of you like Assaulter. Rush does not actually give any movement unless there are actual monsters within range see sample animation pictures below. Previously a Dark Knight exclusive, Rush is now available to all warriors. Old name s : Hard Skin. Description: Your armor is permanently strengthened; enemy damage is reduced. Comment: Passive damage reduction or a strengthing of armor type of skill. According to the description, it only applies to physical damage. Previously available to all warriors, Hard Skin was now a Dark Knight exclusive. Available to all warriors. Description: When you are hit by physically contact, your will be able to use the shield to block with a given probabilityreducing the full damage in addition to making the enemy into faint status.

Fourth Job Advancement - MapleWiki
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